UK leaders invite self-styled fugitive Lord Nithyananda for Diwali celebrations in Parliament: Report

Image Source: PTI Self-styled godman Nityananda

In a shocking incident, a UK media report claimed that a fugitive Hindu guru attended a Diwali party at the House of Lords (Upper House of Parliament of the United Kingdom) this year. According to a report in The Observer, Swami Nithyananda, the high-profile, self-styled godman who fled India in 2019 after being accused in a rape case, was invited by two senior conservatives. The report claimed that Atmadaya, the British representative of controversial guru Nithyananda, was invited to the function during Diwali celebrations.

The controversial guru was reportedly invited by MP Bob Blackman and Raminder Singh Ranger – a Pakistan-born British businessman. Even before the event, Nithyananda’s organization had also published an advertisement, which was reportedly handed out to the attendees. Although some guests showed their anger against the Conservative leader for inviting the controversial leader, the event was met with “great enthusiasm”.

Meanwhile, speaking to The Observer, one of his disciples said that Nithyananda pressured her to have sex. Furthermore, she revealed that her “fanatic followers” threatened her with forced labor if she did not comply with their wishes.

He told a UK-based media outlet, “We knew that if we didn’t do what he wanted, we would be shunned by the entire community, or worse, forced to do hard labor in the hot desert outside Bangalore.” Will be done.” ,

However, when The Observer asked Nithyananda’s UK-based lawyer Richard Rogers about the allegations and his appearance in the UK Parliament, he denied the claims and termed the allegations as “baseless”. “The available evidence suggests that the known pending criminal charges against the applicant in India are part of a wider campaign of religious persecution targeted at the applicant, which is rooted in religious intolerance and is based (in whole or in large part) on false evidence.” Told.

Who is Swami Nityananda?

Significantly, the controversial leader is facing several charges in India including rape and kidnapping cases. According to several media reports, he raped one of his devotees and provided safe haven to the kidnappers. In India, he held several religious gatherings where he addressed millions of his followers. In addition, the self-styled godman ran more than a dozen temples and ashrams where he claimed to have supernatural powers. Even Nityananda claimed that he had the power to “delay the sunrise, see through walls, cure children of blindness, and make cows speak”. At the same time, he claimed to have established his own country or what he often called the “Kailash Republic”.

Read also: Self-styled godman Nityananda wants one lakh people to settle in ‘Kailash’

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