UK stunt driver sets world record for tightest parallel EV car park – watch

Parking in tight spaces is a task that requires precise and fine control over your vehicle. The difficulty of the task increases manifold when a tight space is combined with parallel parking conditions. Most people may find this task irritating and may not be good at it. But things are different for a stunt driver named Paul Swift, who recently entered the Guinness Book of World Records after his Mini Cooper was parked in a very tight parking lot between two cars.

To achieve the record, the Mini Cooper was parked in a space between two cars only 30 cm or 11.8 inches taller than the car. How did he do it, you ask? Well, instead of using the methods used by a normal person, he resorted to the methods of Fast and Furious movies. In simple words, he drove his car into the space between two parallel parked cars to achieve the record. It should be noted that the record-breaking stunt was performed at a British car show, and a video of the extraordinary feat is now doing the rounds on the internet.

The driver, Paul Swift, is good enough at the task, as on the first day of the motor show, the Swift broke the record by parking a gap of 13.8 inches. However, these are not the only records to Swift’s name. He also holds the record for most donuts performed around a motorcycle while wheeling.

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Alastair Moffatt of the United Kingdom broke the record for the tightest parallel park in 2020. Moffatt can be seen in the video of his record-breaking feat, apparently performing difficult reverse parallel parking maneuvers as he parks his car in a small space, leaving only his car behind and those in front and behind. middle 34 cm. In addition, he is also a participant in setting the record for the strictest triple car parallel park.