UK woman forced to shave her head, claims faulty hair extensions left her bald

Shauna Higgins sought the help of a dermatologist.

A woman in the UK has claimed that hair extensions damaged her scalp and caused her to fall out new york post Report. Shauna Higgins, 24, said in a Facebook post that she paid around $1,700 (Rs 1.39 lakh) to a London salon to help treat her hair loss condition. She approached the salon after researching it and found that the owner, Mandy Collins, was an award-winning hairstylist and “extension specialist.” But problems arose after the procedure, the outlet further said.

The woman said Ms Collins assured her the expensive extensions would help treat her hair loss condition and she paid in full before the procedure.

Ms. Higgins posted a picture of herself facebook page Hair loss is visible from his scalp.

He claimed that when he spoke to Ms. Collins, she asked for an additional $65 to resolve the issues using an alternative method. Post reports,

“My hair started falling out one by one and it took pieces of my hair with it. Then my scalp started bleeding and blistering. I had big red spots where the net was pulling on my skin. Day by day more bald spots were appearing,” she was quoted as saying by the outlet.

Four weeks later, Ms Higgins realized things were about to turn for the worst when her scalp was a “battlefield, blistered, crusted and covered in blood”.

She then sought the help of a dermatologist, who told her that improperly applied extensions had irreparably damaged her scalp.

To add salt to injury, when he demanded a refund from Ms. Collins, he was offered a “new hair system” instead.

A frustrated Ms Higgins said, “How can I use it when I have no hair left? They ignored my pleas and ignored the trauma I had to go through.”

He shaved his head completely, warning others to stay away from the salon.

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