Ukraine imposes nationwide emergency – Times of India

Kiev: Ukraine declared nationwide on Wednesday emergency situation The West responded with sanctions after Russian President Vladimir Putin was granted the right to use military force outside his country.
Ukraine’s lawmakers approved President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decree that imposes the measure for 30 days starting Thursday. The state of emergency allows authorities to impose restrictions on movement, block rallies, and ban political parties and organizations “in the interest of national security and public order”.
Ukrainian officials have repeatedly expressed concern that Russia can try to destabilize the country by relying on MoscowSupporters from within the country, including the pro-Russian political party represented in parliament
The decision follows Putin’s move on Monday to recognize the independence of rebel regions in eastern Ukraine, where more than 14,000 people have died in nearly eight years of conflict. Putin has approved the deployment of Russian troops there to ‘keep the peace’.
Russia emptied its embassy in Kiev on Wednesday as hopes for a diplomatic exit from a new, potentially devastating war in Europe dwindled. The US and major European allies accused Moscow of crossing a red line on Tuesday to cross Ukraine’s border into separatist eastern regions known as the Donbass, something some called an invasion.
Russia vacated its diplomatic posts in Ukraine, state news agency Tass reported, a day after the foreign ministry announced plans to vacate, citing threats. As of Wednesday afternoon, the Russian flag no longer flew over the Kiev embassy and police surrounded the building.
Wednesday’s action reflected growing concern after weeks of efforts by Ukrainian authorities to keep the peace. The foreign ministry advised against travel to Russia and recommended any Ukrainians to leave immediately, saying Moscow’s “aggression” could lead to a significant reduction in consular services.
a senior US defense official Washington Said that Russian forces stationed on Ukraine’s borders are “as prepared as possible” for an attack, ranging from 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers (3 30 mi).
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive information, said. “We still cannot confirm that Russian forces have moved into the Donbass region.”
The White House said President Joe Biden allowed sanctions to move forward against the company building the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and against the company’s CEO.
Germany said on Tuesday it was suspending the project indefinitely, after Biden alleged that Putin had “started the Russian invasion of Ukraine” by sending troops to two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine. The pipeline has been completed but the work has not started yet.
“Today, I have instructed my administration to ban Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers,” Biden said in a statement. “These steps are another part of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to move forward.”
Biden waived sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG last year when the project was nearly complete, in exchange for an agreement with Germany to act against Russia if it used the gas as a weapon or on Ukraine. attacked.
Putin said on Tuesday that he had not yet sent any Russian troops to the rebel areas, contrary to Western claims, and Donetsk rebel leader Denis Pushilin insisted on Wednesday that there were no Russian troops in the region, even though one The local council member claimed that the previous day they had gone in.
Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov said on Wednesday a wave of denial-of-service attacks targeted official websites and some banks, knocking parliament, cabinet and foreign ministry sites offline and causing blockages or delays in defense and interior ministry sites. Cause it who controls the police.
Several similar sites were knocked offline last week in attacks that the US and UK governments quickly blamed on Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency. Such attacks disrupt websites with junk traffic, making them inaccessible. Wednesday’s DDoS attacks appeared to have less impact than the earlier attack, with targeted sites likely to be re-accessed soon – as emergency responders bluntly called them.
These were the latest in a series of signs of rising tension. Kiev recalled its ambassador to Russia and considered severing all diplomatic ties with Moscow; Dozens of countries forced Russian oligarchs and banks out of international markets; Germany blocked a lucrative pipeline deal; The US deployed additional troops to the eastern side of NATO bordering Russia; And the top US diplomat canceled a meeting with his Russian counterpart.
Already, the threat of war has battered Ukraine’s economy and increased the risk of mass casualties, energy shortages across Europe, and global economic chaos.
Even as the conflict took a new, dangerous turn, leaders warned that it could get worse. Putin has so far removed a crowd of 150,000 troops on three sides of Ukraine, while US President Joe Biden has also lashed out at tougher sanctions that would cause economic turmoil for Russia, but said if further aggression If so, they will move on.
EU sanctions against Russia went into effect, targeting several companies, with 351 Russian lawmakers who voted for a resolution urging Putin to recognize rebel zones, and 27 senior government officials, business executives and top military Officer.
Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba urged Western leaders to increase sanctions to “stop Putin”, tweeting: “Kill his economy and comrades. Hit more. Hurt the sentiments. Kill now.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry has shrugged off the sanctions, saying that ‘Russia has proved that with all the costs of the sanctions, it is capable of minimizing the damage.’
Violence also escalated again in the east of Ukraine, where eight years of conflict between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces killed some 14,000. Ukraine’s military said a Ukrainian soldier was killed and six others were wounded in rebel shelling. Separatist officials reported multiple explosions in their area overnight and the deaths of three civilians.
Facing criticism at the 193-member UN General Assembly, Russia’s UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzia warned Ukraine that Russia would monitor the ceasefire in the east and insisted that “no one will be soft on violators”. , does not intend to go softly. “A new military adventure” by Kiev “could cost the whole of Ukraine very dearly,” he warned ominously.
After weeks of escalating tensions, Putin’s moves this week raised the stakes dramatically. First, he recognized the independence of those separatist regions. Again, he said the recognition extended to large parts of the territories now occupied by Ukrainian forces, including Mariupol’s major Azov sea port.
In the end, lawmakers gave him the right to use military force outside the country. Effectively formalizing Russian military deployment in rebel areas.
Putin laid out three conditions that he said could end the standoff, urging Kiev to recognize Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Moscow seceded from Ukraine in 2014, joining NATO, and partly To abandon your bid for monetization from. Ukraine has long rejected such demands.
As rhetoric hardened in Russia and the West, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace recalled how the British military “kicked the back” of Russia during the Crimean War in the 19th century. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov dismissed Wallace’s claims and fired back. mythology” and advising British soldiers to study the history of Russia so that they do not “enrich our shared military history with their lives” to the delight of poorly educated British politicians.
