Ukraine is a global issue, not a regional one, says Biden in Asia

US President Joe Biden meeting with other leaders of the so-called “quad” in Tokyo

US President Joe Biden meeting with other leaders of the so-called “quad” in Tokyo

Crisis in Ukraine is a global issue, not a regional one, says US President Joe Biden meeting of the quad grouping of countries May 24 in Tokyo.

“This is more than just a European issue. It is a global issue,” Mr. Biden said.

Emphasizing that Washington will stand with its “close domestic partners” in advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region, he said, “Russia’s attack on Ukraine only violates the international order, territorial integrity and sovereignty.” enhances the importance of those goals of the Fundamental Principles.”

Mr Biden is meeting in Tokyo with other leaders of the so-called “quad” – Japan, Australia and India – as part of the final day of his first trip to Asia since taking office.