Ukraine: Kyiv theater on Podil opens for sold-out performances

The 253-seat theater for Sunday’s performance in Ukraine’s capital was sold out after it was reopened for the first time since Russian forces invaded the country.

The 253-seat theater for Sunday’s performance in Ukraine’s capital was sold out after it was reopened for the first time since Russian forces invaded the country.

A theater has reopened for the first time in Ukraine’s capital Russian army invaded the countryAnd tickets for Sunday’s performance sold out.

Theater on Podil was the latest cultural institution in Kyiv to resume operations. Movie theaters and the National Opera opened their doors in late May.

“We wondered how it would be, whether the audience would come during the war, do they think about cinemas at all, is it of any interest,” said one of the actors, Yuri Felipenko. “And we were happy that the first three plays sold out.”

“You continue to live, although you do not forget that there is war. The main question is how can actors be helpful. ”actor Kostya Tomalyaki

Filipenko says that theaters are performing plays with only a few actors.

Actor Kostya Tomalyak says he was hesitant to act in times of war. But the influx of people returning to Kyiv as hostilities there subsided convinced him that it was necessary to move on.

In his words, “You continue to live, although you do not forget that there is war. The main question is how can actors be helpful.”