Ukraine: Ukraine has received 10% of the weapons requested: Defense Ministry – Times of India

Kyiv: Ukraine Only 10 percent of weapons requested from west to help fight the Russian offensive, the deputy defense minister said on Tuesday.
“We need about 10 per cent of what we said,” Anna Malayar commented on television. The West must speed up its distribution program.
“No matter how hard Ukraine tries, no matter how professional our army, we will not be able to win this war without the help of Western partners.”
There should be “a clear time frame” for such deliveries as every delay costs Ukraine dearly and risks more territory falling into Russian hands.
“We need to know the clear deadline because every day there is a delay, we are talking about the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians,” she said.
“We can’t wait too long, because the situation is too complicated,” she said, referring to Russian progress donbasswhere MoscowThe army is ready to capture the entire Lugansk region.
Previously, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Again appealed for heavy weapons from the West, criticizing the “restraint behaviour” of some European leaders, saying that the “arms supply became too slow”.
“I am grateful for what is coming, but it must come fast,” he told Danish reporters at an online briefing.
Russia, he said, had “hundreds of times more equipment and weapons” than Ukraine, which had neither enough “long-range weapons” nor “armored vehicles, and because of this we are losing people, ” They said.
The speed at which Ukraine was able to recapture the territory occupied by whom? Russia “It really depends on the aid and weapons”
“If arms deliveries are not accelerated, there will be stagnation… People will keep dying. If we are given weapons, we will move forward.”