Ukraine war exposes internal divisions in Middle East countries – Times of India

Baghdad: In a neighborhood of Iraq’s capital, a giant poster of Vladimir Putin, which reads, “We support RussiaHe stood up for a few hours before the security force arrived and quickly took him down. Then came the security directive: All public displays of Putin’s photographs would be banned.
In Lebanon, the powerful hezbollah militia But jailed for condemning the government’s attack on Russia UkraineCall for neutrality.
Such wrangling reflects the deep division on these Ukraine war In the Middle East, where Moscow has established itself as a major player in recent years, powerful friends have remained between state and non-state actors while America’s influence waned.
Political elites closely allied with the West are wary of isolating Russia or America and Europe. But other forces – from Shia militia groups in Iraq, to ​​Hezbollah groups in Lebanon and Houthi rebels in Yemen – vocally support Russia against Ukraine.
These groups are considered Iran’s shoes on the ground in the so-called anti-US “axis of resistance”. Putin won their support in large part because of his close ties with Tehran and his military intervention in the Syrian civil war in support of President Bashar Assad.
They see Putin as a stable, reliable partner who, unlike Americans, does not give up on his allies. In his circles, he also has an affectionate nickname for Putin – “Abu Ali” – which is a common name among Shia Muslims and is meant to portray a certain camaraderie.
In the meantime, the governments are following strictly.
“Iraq is against the war, but it has not condemned or taken any side,” said Ehsan Alshamari, chief political analyst at the political think tank in Baghdad. He said Iraq needed to remain neutral as it shared interests with both Russia and the West.
He said Iran’s allies in the region are clearly with Russia “because they are anti-American and anti-West and believe that Russia is their ally.”
Russia has invested up to $14 billion in Iraq and the northern Kurdish-run region, focusing primarily on the energy sector, Moscow’s ambassador Elbrus Kutrushev told Iraqi Kurdish news agency Rudaw in a recent interview.
The major oil companies operating in the country are Russia’s Lukoil, Gazprom Neft and Rosneft.
Iraq also maintains close ties with the US, but Western companies are constantly plotting to exit Iraq’s oil fields.
Iraq’s strongest move to date comes after its central bank advised the prime minister against signing new contracts with Russian companies or paying in light of US sanctions. Russian industry executives said the decision would affect new Russian investments in the country, but little by little.
Last week, Iraq was among 35 countries that voted by the United Nations General Assembly to demand that Russia halt its offensive and withdraw troops from Ukraine. Lebanon voted in favour, while Syria, where Russian ties are deep, voted against. Iran also refrained.
In Lebanon, an unusually blunt foreign ministry statement condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and angered the Russians, forcing the minister to clarify that Lebanon did not intend to take sides and be neutral. Will be
Hezbollah MP Ibrahim Mousavi took to Twitter to target the foreign ministry, writing: “They distance themselves and claim neutrality wherever they want, and interfere and condemn wherever they want.” “What foreign policy does Lebanon follow, and what interests Lebanon in that? Please clarify for us, Foreign Minister.”
Hezbollah, which also sent thousands of fighters to neighboring Syria to shore up Assad’s forces, has seized on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to portray it as the inevitable result of US provocations and yet again by the United States. Another betrayal of his allies – in this case, Ukraine.
In Syria, where Russia maintains thousands of troops, billboards declaring “Victory for Russia” appeared in areas of Damascus this week. In opposition-held areas that are still vulnerable to Russian airstrikes, residents hope that the pressure on Russia will ease if the fight in Ukraine drags on.
In Iraq, the Ukraine war is exposing divisions in an already fragmented landscape during stalled efforts to form a new government, five months after parliament elections.
Huge billboards in support of Putin were briefly placed in the neighborhood of Baghdad, considered a stronghold of the powerful Iranian-backed militias. After it was removed, the Russian embassy in Baghdad tweeted a picture of it.
“The poster was provocative, I am against it,” said Athir Ghorayab, who works in a nearby coffee shop. Iraq is only emerging from decades of war and conflict, he said. “Why do they insist on involving us in new problems?”
Many Iraqis saw the echoes of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of neighboring Kuwait and years-long economic sanctions imposed on Iraq in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Just a few days ago, Iraq ended damages to Kuwait, which totaled more than $ 52 billion.
Iraqi pages with millions of followers on social media have shared their thoughts, posting news of what is happening in Ukraine. One user, Zahra Obaidy, posted, “Our hearts are with the civilians, because those who have tasted war know its devastation.”
Hafid Salih posted, “We have tents for refugees and internally displaced people, so you are welcome to use them.”
Toby Dodge, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, said Iraq’s move _ abstaining from a UN vote while limiting economic activity _ was prudent, managing short-term risks without taking an ideological stance.
But the longer the war drags on, the more difficult it will be to maintain this strategy.
“Iraq is politically divided between those who are politically pro-Iranian and those who are anti-Iranians trying to claim autonomy. Ukraine becomes another demonstration where both sides can burn their credibility,” he said. ”