Ukrainian President Zelensky recently retakes, visits the devastated city of Izium – Times of India

Iseum: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Wednesday visited a region in northeastern Ukraine that had recently been withdrawn from Russian forces, seeing widespread devastation as prosecutors claimed local residents were tortured and killed during a half-year occupation Gone.
Russian forces left the war-torn city last week as Ukraine advanced in a massive retaliation that has reclaimed vast areas of the country’s northeastern region Kharkiv area in a few days.
As Zelensky visited Izium, the Ukrainian flag was raised in front of the burnt City Hall building in the largely devastated city.
Apartment buildings are blackened by fire and startled by artillery attacks. The entire center of a residential building had collapsed, leaving a crater and piles of rubble where the houses used to be.
“This scene is very shocking, but it is not shocking to me,” Zelensky said in brief remarks to the press, “because we began to see the same pictures from Buka that were previously from the de-occupied areas, so the same Destroyed buildings, people killed.”
Bucha is a neighborhood Kyiv Where the bodies of civilians, many with torture marks, were dumped on the streets, in mass graves and in yards after the Russian military hastily recalled in March.
Prosecutors say they have found six bodies with marks of torture in recently recaptured villages in the Kharkiv region. He announced the formation of an investigation team.
The prosecutor general said, “We have a terrible picture of the occupiers especially in the Kharkiv region. Cities like Balaklia, Izyum stand in the same line as Buka, Borodyanka, Irpin.” Andrey Kostin,
The head of the Kharkiv prosecutor’s office, Oleksandr Filchakov, said that the bodies were found in Harakov and zalizniche Village, about 60 kilometers (35 mi) southeast of Kharkiv.
He said investigators are also learning that residents are being killed and buried in another city, Balaklia, by Russian troops.
On the northern outskirts of Izium, the remains of Russian tanks and vehicles are scattered along the road.
Zelensky declared that it was very important for the region to be reclaimed by troops, who are welcomed by the population.
“I see how people meet him, at what a sensitive moment,” the president said. “It means that with our army, life comes back.”
Ukrainian troops have recently launched a dramatic retaliation that has allowed them to retake large areas around Kharkiv and inflict a surprise blow on Moscow’s military reputation.
Following those gains, a new frontline in the war is beginning to emerge, a Washington-based think tank said on Wednesday.
The Institute for the Study of War said that the Oskil River is emerging as a new frontline in the region after Kyiv’s significant gains in recent days.
The Oskil flows southwards and largely represents the eastern edge of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine.
“Ukrainian forces are continuing ground attacks at the local level to jeopardize the Russian position behind the Oskil river,” the institute said.
“Russian troops are unlikely to be strong enough to stop further Ukrainian advance along the entire Oskil River as they are not receiving reinforcements, and the Ukrainian Army will likely use this weakness to resume a counter-attack at Oskil. Will be able to take advantage if they choose to,” it added.
The retaliatory strike also left more weapons in the hands of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian think tank said on Wednesday that the Russian military left behind dozens of tanks, armored personnel carriers and other heavy weapons as they fled Ukraine’s advance into the country’s east.
The Center for Defense Strategies said a single Russian unit based around Izium overtook 39 T-80 tanks and 35 infantry fighting vehicles, known as BMPs.
Another unit left behind 47 tanks and 27 armored vehicles.
The center said Russian forces tried to destroy some of the abandoned vehicles through artillery strikes as they fell back. Typically, armed forces destroy equipment left behind so that their opponents cannot use it.
However, the chaos of the Russian withdrawal clearly saw them leaving behind untouched ammunition and weapons.
In other regions, Russia has continued its attacks in the past, raising the death toll in a war that has now lasted more than seven months.
Ukraine’s presidential office said Wednesday morning that at least seven civilians were killed and 22 others injured in Russian shelling in seven Ukrainian territories in the past 24 hours.
Two people were killed and three were injured after Russia’s Mykolaiv was attacked by S-300 missiles overnight, the regional said Sarkar Vitaly Kim,
An educational institution, infrastructure and residential buildings were damaged. The settlements near the front line in the Mykolaiv area are constantly on fire.
nikopol The area, which is across the Dnieper River zapsorizia nuclear power plant, shells were fired three times during the night, but no casualties were immediately reported, Regional Governor Valentin said reznichenko,
The city of Nikopol itself was shelled twice and about 3,000 families were left without electricity. Reznichenko said electricity had been partially restored.
Demolition is underway in the Kharkiv region, where the Ukrainian military has recaptured more than 300 towns and villages; Three people have been injured in the last 24 hours.