Union Budget 2022: How long will FM Nirmala Sitharaman’s speech be this year?

Union Budget for 2022-23 To be presented by Finance Minister on 1st February Nirmala Sitharaman in the Lok Sabha. When will his Budget 2022 speech be? The budget speech is scheduled to begin at 11 am on Tuesday. The presentation usually takes between 90 and 120 minutes. Sitharaman first set the record for the longest budget presented in her maiden budget for the financial year 2019-2020 when her speech lasted for two hours and 17 minutes, compared to those who presented the budget speech in 2003 for two hours and 15 minutes. Jaswant Singh broke the record.

In 2020, Sitharaman broke her own record and delivered a marathon speech of 162 minutes (two hours 42 minutes) despite her speech being shortened due to health issues. She still had two more pages of her budget speech to read when she fell unwell and was seen wiping sweat from her forehead. As soon as Sitharaman’s aides offered her candy, she opted to call off the speech, asking Speaker Om Birla to read the remainder of her address.

In terms of number of words, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh delivered the longest budget speech at 18,650 words.

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Union Budget 2022

256th budget session The elections in five states – Goa, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh – will begin on January 31, just two weeks before the elections. While the first half will run from January 31 to February 11, the second half will run from March 14 to April 8. The budget will be presented in the lower house of Parliament before it is presented in the Rajya Sabha.

How is the Union Budget presented?

Before presenting the budget, the Finance Minister briefs the cabinet through the ‘Summary for the Cabinet’. The Finance Minister presents the budget in the Lok Sabha on that day by reading the ‘Budget Speech’. The budget speech outlines the main points of the entire budget, its major estimates and proposals which can run into several thousand pages. The budget is presented in the parliament after the speech of the minister and a copy of the budget is presented in the Rajya Sabha immediately after it is presented in the Lok Sabha.

Union Budget 2022: What will be different this year

Amid the third wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in India, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the budget for 2022-23 in a paperless format like last year. The Finance Ministry also abandoned the traditional ‘Halwa’ ceremony in view of the outbreak of Kovid-19.

The Finance Ministry last year launched a Union Budget mobile application for hassle-free access to budget documents by Members of Parliament (MPs) and general public. The Union Budget 2022-23 will also be available on the mobile app after the budget submission process is completed.

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