United Arab Emirates: UAE shuts down China facility under US pressure, confirms top official – Times of India

Washington: The United Arab Emirates recently ordered a halt to work at a Chinese facility in the country after US officials said Beijing intended to use the site for military purposes, according to a top United Arab Emirates Officer.
Last month, reports emerged that the Biden administration, after intense pressure from the US, had managed to stop the construction of a secret development inside a Chinese shipping port in the United Arab Emirates, one of America’s closest Middle East allies. .
Emirates ordered to stop work on site Washingtonsaid at the behest of Anwar Gargasho, a diplomatic adviser to the leadership of the United Arab Emirates. The UAE, he said, did not believe the facility was for military or security use, wall street journal ,WSJ) Reported.
The WSJ, citing people familiar with the matter, reported that the project near Abu Dhabi was put on hold by US officials after several rounds of meetings and visits.
After intelligence agencies in Washington learned that Beijing was secretly building a military facility at a port, the Biden administration warned the Emirati government that a Chinese military presence in its country could jeopardize relations between the two countries. Is.
Although the project was portrayed as purely commercial, US intelligence has disguised the ships as commercial ships, commonly used by the Chinese military for intelligence collection of signals entering the port by officials. recognized as the type to be carried out, the report said.
In a statement, a spokesperson of UAE Embassy Washington said the UAE had “no agreement, plan, negotiation or intention to host a Chinese military base or outpost of any kind.”
The development comes as Beijing has sought to develop commercial ports in outposts around the world in what experts believe is a clear attempt to increase its military leg. China has already developed commercial ports in Pakistan and Sri Lanka and its first foreign military base in Djibouti.
before, before trump The administration had sought to pressure the United Arab Emirates to halt the project at the port, which is run by a Chinese shipping conglomerate.
