Unlock The Power Of Almonds: 5 Reasons To Include Them In Your Daily Diet

Almonds are packed with nutrients to benefit you and your body. If you want to strengthen your heart, your bones, or even your libido, almonds can help.

Almonds are the earliest cultivated trees, having been domesticated in Jordan between 3000 and 2000 BC. They are also high in protein, fiber and minerals. Almonds can control blood sugar and reduce your risk of developing cholesterol. While almonds are known to be good for your health, you should assess whether it is right for you.

Almonds are a rich source of antioxidants that can help you deal with stress. Stress damages molecules, and damaged molecules lead to inflammatory conditions, cancer, and aging.

Here are 5 reasons to include this nut in your daily diet:

1. Helps in weight loss

Almonds contain more protein, fiber and fewer carbohydrates than other foods, which help you feel satiated for less time. It also helps in reducing the daily calorie intake.

2. Healthy Heart

Almonds and other nuts are very good for your heart when eaten together. The blood sugar level is considered balanced and controlled by eating almonds. This is because almonds, of which you should consume a handful daily, contain magnesium.

3. Good for vision

Carrots are known to be great for your eyes, while almonds provide high amounts of vitamin E, which protects your eyes and prevents artificial changes in your lens.

4. Improves Skin Texture

Almonds contain flavonoids which are also found in broccoli and green tea. This ingredient nourishes your skin and provides anti-aging properties.

5. Help Lower Cholesterol

Increased levels of vitamin E in the blood result in antioxidants that prevent cholesterol from building up inside your cells.

How to prepare almonds

Almonds are a healthy and delicious snack that can bring some real benefits to your physical health. Because they’re so versatile and convenient, it’s easy to incorporate them into your diet. Here are some ways to enjoy almonds:

– Enjoy a serving of raw almonds for a day or evening snack

Add chopped almonds to your oatmeal or cereal

Roast the almonds for better texture and taste

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)