Unprecedented developments in Sri Lanka were inevitable: Strategic affairs expert – Times of India

New Delhi: Unprecedented developments witnessed Sri Lanka were inevitable in the face of the furious fury of the people against Rajapaksa Family to deal with the economic crisis, India’s leading strategic affairs experts said on Sunday.
At the same time, he said that the economic situation is unlikely to improve dramatically as the President Gotabaya Rajapakse has decided to step down, paving the way for the formation of an all-party government.
Thousands of angry protesters stormed his official residence and shot the prime minister, hours after troubled President Rajapaksa announced Saturday that he would step down on July 13. Ranil Wickremesinghefire in private house
Wickremesinghe also said that he would resign.
“It was becoming inevitable. Popular sentiment had turned against Rajapaksa. He lost his political capital,” said Ambassador Ashok K. Kantha told PTI.
Kantha, who served as Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka from 2009 to 2013, said there was “very strong political demand and consensus” that Rajapaksa should step down.
Prime Minister Mahinda RajapaksePresident Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s elder brother stepped down on 9 May following massive anti-government protests in Sri Lanka.
Ambassador G Parthasarathy, who has served as Indian envoy to several countries, including Myanmar and Pakistan, said the turmoil in Colombo was a reflection of “public anger”.
“They have not targeted any diplomatic mission or other institution. It was targeted very carefully, which shows the results of the coming of a coalition government,” he said.
Kantha said Sri Lanka does not have the luxury of time because the economic crisis is “unprecedented” and it will not go away just because Gotabaya Rajapaksa is stepping down.
“I think the new government has to come as soon as possible and try to deal with the crisis,” he said.
Ambassador Parthasarathy attacked Western powers for not supporting Sri Lanka in times of crisis while extending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine.
He commended India for its generous assistance to Sri Lanka.
Another veteran diplomat, Ashok Sajjanhar, blamed the “arrogance” of the Rajapaksa brothers for the current crisis in Sri Lanka.
“The developments in Sri Lanka are disturbing and worrying. I think the Sri Lankan leadership, especially President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, should have decided to leave the scene long ago,” Sajjanhar told PTI.
“Even now he is dragging his feet. Why is he saying that he will resign on July 13? What is the sanctity of July 13? He should go immediately and clear the way for the formation of an all-party government at the earliest,” They said.
On India’s response to developments in Sri Lanka, Ambassador Kantha described it as “balanced and carefully prepared”.
In its first reaction to the massive political turmoil in Colombo, India on Sunday said it stands with the people of Sri Lanka in their aspirations of prosperity and progress through democratic means, values, established institutions and constitutional framework.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, “India stands with the people of Sri Lanka as they seek to realize their aspirations for prosperity and progress through democratic means and values, established institutions and constitutional framework.”