UP Board Exam 2022: UPMSP to use mobile app to select centers

UPMSP will finalize the UP Board 10th, 12th Exam Center List by January 24.

UP Board has fixed January 24 as the deadline for releasing the list of examination centres.

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NS Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (UPMSP) UP Board will use a mobile app to select the exam centers for the exam 2022. The mobile app will help the authorities to collect the geo-mapping data of the schools. UP Board has fixed January 24 as the deadline for releasing the list of examination centres.

Data will have to be uploaded on the app of UP Board by the Block Level Group constituted by the Committee of Principals of Government Schools. The upload will be completed by December 2 and after that physical verification of schools will be done.

After the completion of the verification process by December 9, the concerned District School Inspectors will upload the list on the website of UPMSP. A committee constituted in each district by the respective district magistrates will certify the selected center evaluation list of schools before handing it over to the district school inspectors by December 27. UPMSP has also kept a window open for grievance redressal of school principals before the final. Upload on 24 January 2022.

Read | With students promoted to class 10 and 12, board worries over ‘learning gaps’ for 2022

The Central Evaluation Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of the Director of Education, while the District Level Committee is to be constituted under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate.

Like every year, the marking of schools will be done on the basis of facilities available for the examination in the school. Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list prepared by examining the performance of the school in marking for facilities. In a scenario where two schools obtain equal marks, the school with more seats will be given preference for the examination. Candidates will be allotted exam centers at a maximum distance of 10 km.

The UP Board exams had to be canceled this year in view of the second wave of the Kovid-19 pandemic. Marks were allotted on the basis of internal assessment and performance of the candidate in the previous class

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