uphold the rule of law

The second such lynching has been reported from Punjab, just a day after a man was killed by a mob of devotees for alleged sacrilege of the Sikh holy scripture at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. This time, a man was lynched by a mob in Kapurthala on Sunday, allegedly for trying to desecrate a flag with the Sikh emblem, though police said it could be a case of theft. In October, another man faced brutality at a farmer-protest site near Delhi for allegedly committing a religious offence, an incident that prompted a professor in Kerala a few years ago to make a derogatory reference to the prophet of Islam. as was explained.

These shocking crimes in the name of upholding the honor of religion should be condemned and called for open violation of law. Enforcement agencies like police should not go by any political rhetoric in these matters, but by our law. While India discourages actions that sow religious conflicts, and are appropriately humiliated to hurt feelings of humiliation, the rule of law must always prevail. In order to uphold the fundamental rights of everyone, the raging mob has to be kept away.

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