UPP An investigation was done in, more than 13 thousand incidents in 24, three murders

U.P. in 24.


Uttar Pradesh: Being able to entitlements infects 13,681 new persons along with 24 others infected. together in the state new plan number for corona is non-important. According to the bacteria, one person each dies in Hardoi and Nagar Nagpur. Its time change is 13,681 in this permanent position. Ludhiana has the maximum number of 2,181 new patients. There are 1,992 in Mahatma Buddha Nagar, 1,526 in and 1,250 in Meerut in the state of new infections.

this also further

everyone virus disease specialist

The situation has escalated once again. In the state, the Sanch tribe had the knowledge of Kovid-19 infection in 2,038 nine patients. Twelve, once again 13,681 cases were registered. A total of 700 patients are also fine in the health sector of 24. In this season, 57,355 -I ATKT case 24 work is being checked.

27,561 new corona cases in Delhi, highest number after app

It will be mandatory only when it is necessary for the operation of the state. He said that all these nodal officers would visit their allotted district till January 16 to review and inspect the arrangements for control and prevention of Kovid-19.

The work of booster dose has started in the country, a large number of Ujjavar in Mumbai
