UPSC NDA application open for women for the first time

UPSC NDA application link is open at (Image by Shutterstock/Rep)

UPSC NDA application link is open at (Image by Shutterstock/Rep)

The application process for female candidates will remain open till October 8 at Physical standards for female candidates and number of vacancies will be notified later

  • New Delhi
  • Last Update:September 24, 2021, 16:30 IST
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NS Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Has activated a link for female candidates to apply for National Defense Academy and Naval Academy exam commonly known as NDA. While the central government had said that a notification for women to appear in the NDA exam would be issued in May 2022, the Supreme Court had held that “women cannot be included for one year”.

India’s Supreme Court passed an interim order in August 2021 allowing women to appear in the National Defense Academy (NDA) exam, calling the policy decision a “problem of mindset”.

400 vacancies have been notified in the UPSC NDA II 2021 notification, out of which 370 were in the National Defense Academy and 30 in the Naval Academy. Lots of vacancies are likely to be added for female candidates. UPSC said in an official notice, “The physical standards and the number of vacancies for women candidates will be notified after receipt from the government. India (Ministry of Defence) in due course.”

The application process for female candidates will remain open till October 8 at The exam is to be held on November 14.

Female candidates are exempted from paying the examination fee. As per norms, an application fee of Rs.100 is applicable for candidates belonging to SC/ST category and candidates who are exempted to sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORs.

Till now, only men were allowed to appear in the UPSC NDA exam. Those who clear NDA are invited for interview by Services Selection Board (SSB). After this a medical examination is conducted. On clearing all these rounds, candidates get enrolled in NDA, INA academies and after training, they are recruited in Army, Navy and Air Force.

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