UPSC NDA aspirants, check important topics, strategy to crack the exam

UPSC NDA exam is near. With a little over a month to go for the exam, it can be difficult for the candidates to ensure preparation. There may be some students who have confusion about the syllabus, while some will have problem with revision, whatever the case, you can still crack the exam. I have always believed that “hoping drains your energy, action creates energy”, so, these 30 days are yours- go out and make the most of it.

Here is an action plan for the next 30 days that will boost your energy and help you focus to crack this exam.

concept is key

There is often a myth with competitive exams that only smart candidates with the best grades are successful. We have seen all kinds of candidates clear the NDA exam, provided they have one thing in common: control over concepts.

Some candidates start preparing for NDA exam from class 11th, while some start later. But the major factor determining your success in this exam is your energy and focus in the last 30 days. You can easily get conceptual clarity within limited days by referring to NCERTs and revising them again and again. UPSC mostly asks questions from NCERT. If you study these well and clear your concepts, then there is nothing that can stop you from cracking the NDA exam.

Young aspirants preparing for NDA exam must keep in mind that those who remain calm and are able to maintain their composure even in difficult situations and situations, have an edge over others. Candidates should not let the pressure of the exam or syllabus hinder their flow. They should keep themselves calm and believe in themselves.

Mock tests are important

Considering the paucity of time, many candidates prefer not to attempt mock tests. However, this is the right time when candidates should give themselves a real exam-like experience. If possible they should attempt full-length mock tests with full focus. They should also practice on the OMR sheet. Due to lack of practice with OMR sheet many candidates mark wrong option even though they know the correct answer. Such errors should be minimized. Candidates can also solve NDA exam previous years papers at home or attempt free mock tests with the various online platforms available like Saphala.

modification required

Candidates should not take anything new in these last 30 days. The focus should be on revising important topics from basic sources like NCERTs and your own notes, and practicing most important questions as often as possible.

One or two topics they haven’t covered won’t make much difference in the final exam. They can cater to those topics by working on their strong points and reducing negative marks. You should aim to score between 300 and 320 marks as the NDA cut-off is usually in this range.

Make daily goals, focus on the task

It is applicable for all the stages of the exam. Instead of worrying about the exam day and going through the comprehensive syllabus for NDA exam in one go, you should break the task into smaller tasks. Understand the syllabus and divide it to prepare a study plan according to the weightage given to different subjects in the exam.

NDA written exam consists of two papers, Mathematics and General Aptitude Test. Allocate enough time to study and revise both these papers. Go about once a day. Focus on daily goals and work at maximum productivity in these last 30 days. It is very easy to crack NDA exam if you plan for it properly and stay focused. The action plan for the candidates can be as follows:

General Studies/Knowledge: Dedication time per day – 2 hours to 2.5 hours

Candidates should have time for GS section in their daily schedule. They should work on the mistakes which they have made in the mock tests given earlier. Revise the NCERTs and also see the explanation of answers of the questions in the mock tests. Special attention should be given to the Science sections of NCERTs from class 9 and 10 which are very helpful in this exam. Candidates must go through the factual information given in these books.

mathematics: Dedication time per day – 3 to 4 hours

During these last 30 days a lot of time should be devoted to maths sections. This section has a lot of returns as compared to the GS section of NDA exam and candidates score well here. Candidates must revise most important topics, most important questions and also focus on previous year questions.

UPSC often repeats questions which can save time in exams for those who are well versed with previous year questions. The most important topics that candidates should focus on – Trigonometry, Algebra and Calculus.

English: Dedication time per day – 2 hours

Focus on solving previous year questions and revising the rules and tricks.

Candidates must have an action plan ready. They need to ensure that each day and each week of these last 30 days are accounted for.

practice is key

Candidates should now depend on solving questions related to these topics. Clear your concepts and practice as many questions as possible. Even if you are not comfortable with some subjects, do not lose sleep. The questions you practice will ensure that you are able to eliminate wrong answers or at least help you guess the possible answers. Practice is also an effective way to revise and master the topics you are comfortable with.

work on mistakes

Candidates should revise the important topics but they should also give enough time to the questions which they have done wrong in various mock tests. Understand your performance in mock tests, note down your mistakes and make sure you revise your mistakes and concepts related to them every other day. This is a good way to reduce mistakes in the actual exam.

Get enough sleep and fix a schedule

Often candidates compromise with sleep and schedule. Sleep deprivation and sleep cycles have been found to be unfavorable in addition to natural cycles. Candidates must have 8 hours of sleep on most days or at least 6 hours of sleep daily. They should also inculcate the habit of getting up early during the day and being productive. This will ensure that they are most attentive and have the best mental ability during the exam.

NDA exam is definitely a tough exam and hence candidates must have faith and belief in their hard work. With a positive attitude, you will be able to make the most of the last 30 days and give your best in the exam.

The article is authored by Himanshu Gautam, CEO & Co-Founder of Safalta.

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