Urmila Matondkar communication contact, contact inquiry message

Urmila has contacted (file)

Mumbai :

actor-political Urmila Matondkar (Urmila Matondkar) can heat WhatsApp. Urmila (47) informed about her contact and requested that they be in touch, also check. He said, “Stay healthy at home and stay healthy. communication communication communication. And also request all of you to take care of yourself during Diwali.

this also further

In the case of epidemic-19, 10 new cases have been reported. α. 3,966 walking behavior in the city.

“Farms Lives Matter” : Urm Matondkar from Lakhimpur Kheri Halla Kola NDTV

urma for election in 2019 jai jai jai jai jaikar!

Hyderabad: There are 12,830 new corona patients out of 24 infected patients in the country. The count of corona virus is 3 crore 42 lakh, 73 lakh 300. A total of 446 people died in India in 24.


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