US: Hungry bear spooks staff, steals 60 cupcakes from Connecticut bakery | Watch

By India Today World Desk: A bear broke into a bakery in the US state of Connecticut, scared several employees and helped itself to 60 cupcakes before ambling away.

According to news agency Associated Press, workers at Taste by Spellbound in the town of Avon were loading cakes into a van for delivery on Wednesday when the bear showed up.

The video shows the bear dragging a container of cupcakes from the garage into the parking lot.

Bakery owner Miriam Stephens took to Instagram and wrote that she heard employee Maureen Williams “screaming bloody murder” and yelling that there was a bear in the garage.

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Stephens wrote that Maureen ran into the kitchen and slammed the door that goes into the loading area and held it tight. The bear then moved to one of the fridges in front of the door.

“We all were stunned for a second trying to figure out what to do while she held the door shut. I immediately called 911. Lisa then had a brilliant idea to go out the front and get in her car to drive around back and she started beeping her horn like a crazy person. She finally got him out and Maureen ran to the garage to close it as fast as she could,” Stephens wrote.

A baker finally got the bear to leave by honking a car horn, Williams said.

The bear was gone by the time police and officers from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection arrived. No one was injured in the incident.

There are between 1,000 and 1,200 black bears living in Connecticut with sightings last year in 158 of the state’s 169 towns and cities, AP quoted the state environmental agency as saying.

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