US intelligence community fears escalation of India-Pakistan, India-China tensions and conflicts

BSF personnel patrolling near the India-Pakistan border on the outskirts of Jammu. Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained over the Kashmir issue and cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. file | Photo Credit: PTI

The US intelligence community has told lawmakers it fears Increased tension between India and Pakistan And India and China With the possibility of conflict between them.

also noted under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra ModiIndia is more likely than in the past to respond to “perceived or actual” provocations from Pakistan with military force.

The assessment, made on March 8, is part of the US Intelligence Community’s annual threat assessment, which was presented to the US Congress by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence during a congressional hearing.

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While India and China are engaged in bilateral boundary talks and have resolved limit pointRelations will remain tense in view of Deadly clash of countries in 2020The most severe in decades, the report said.

The expanded military posturing of both India and China along the disputed border raises the risk of an armed confrontation between the two nuclear powers that could pose a direct threat to the American people and interests and call for US intervention. Previous standoffs have demonstrated that persistent low-level friction along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) has the potential to escalate rapidly.

Relations between China and India have almost frozen since the eastern Ladakh military standoff between the two countries in May 2020.

India says that until there is peace in the border areas, its relations with China cannot be normal.

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According to the report, the crisis between India and Pakistan is of particular concern because of the risk of an escalating cycle between the two nuclear-armed states. New Delhi and Islamabad are keen to consolidate the existing calm in their ties after both sides resume ceasefire along the Line of Control, possibly in early 2021.

“However, Pakistan has a long history of supporting anti-India terrorist groups, and under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is more likely than in the past to respond with military force to perceived or actual Pakistani provocations Is. Each side’s perception of heightened tensions increasing the risk of conflict, violent unrest in Kashmir or terrorist attacks in India are potential flashpoints,” it said.

connection between India and Pakistan remain at loggerheads over the Kashmir issue and cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

India maintains that terrorism and talks cannot go together and Islamabad should provide a conducive environment for resumption of talks.

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Meanwhile, Pakistan and the US have held a round of anti-terror talks.

The two-day discussions covered a wide range of topics including counter-terrorism cooperation in multilateral fora, assessment of the regional counter-terrorism landscape, cyber security and countering violent extremism.

During the talks, both sides shared their experiences in combating the financing of terrorism. They reaffirmed their commitment to combating the common threat of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said the US-Pakistan Counterterrorism Dialogue provides “an opportunity for the United States to express its willingness to work with Pakistan” to combat terrorist threats and violent extremism. the dangers in the areaThreats that have the potential to cross this sector as well.

“We have a common interest in countering threats to regional security,” Mr. Price said.

“The goal of a stable and secure South and Central Asia free of terrorism depends to a large extent on the strength of our partnership with Pakistan. The dialogue is a testament to our shared commitment to a resilient security relationship and the steps we can take together to counter all terrorist groups that threaten regional and global stability.

He was replying to a question whether the US takes up with Islamabad the issue of Pakistan Army and ISI’s support to terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Khalistani terrorist groups operating in Kashmir.

“The United States looks forward to expanding our partnership to address these challenges. Any grouping that threatens regional and global stability is certainly of concern to us. It is something we have focused on this discussed in the context of the counterterrorism dialogue,” Mr. Price said.