US official vows ‘tremendous response’ if North Korea conducts nuclear test – Times of India

Seoul: US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman warned of a vigorous backlash on Tuesday if North Korea Detonated its first nuclear test in nearly five years during a trip to Seoul to meet with South Korean and Japanese allies and discuss the escalating standoff.
US and South Korean officials have said North Korea is set to detonate another at its nuclear test ground in the northeastern city of Punggye-ri, which last hosted a test in September 2017, when it detonated a thermonuclear bomb. had claimed to do. for its intercontinental ballistic missiles.
when Biden The administration has vowed to pursue additional international sanctions if North Korea goes ahead with nuclear testing, with the United Nations Security Council divided over Russia’s war on Ukraine the prospects for meaningful new punitive measures remain unclear.
“Any nuclear test would be a complete violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. After meeting with South Korea’s Deputy Foreign Minister Cho Hyun-dong, Sherman said, “There will be a swift and forceful response to such a test.”
“We continue to urge Pyongyang to stop its volatile and provocative activities and choose the path of diplomacy,” he said.
Sherman and Cho are planning a tripartite meeting with Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Mori Takeo on Wednesday on North Korea’s nuclear issue. Sherman’s visit to Asia came as North Korea fired a salvo of eight ballistic missiles into the sea on Sunday, possibly setting a new high in one-day launches, extending a provocative streak in weapons tests this year that included the country’s ICBMs. The first performances were also included. 2017.
North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un may further increase his ferocity by conducting the country’s seventh nuclear test since 2006. Experts say North Korea could use a test claim its ability to build smaller nuclear warheads that can be clustered or fitted on multiwarhead ICBMs. On Kim’s extended range of short-range, solid-fuel missiles, which are a growing threat to South Korea and Japan.
International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi said on Monday that there are signs that one of the routes to the Pungye-ri test ground has been reopened, possibly in preparation for a nuclear test.
Hours before Sherman’s meeting in Seoul, State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters in Washington that the United States was concerned that North Korea could demand a seventh test “in the coming days.”
The Biden administration’s punitive crackdown on North Korea’s weapons tests in recent months has largely been limited to symbolic unilateral sanctions. Russia and China vetoed a US-sponsored resolution that would have imposed additional sanctions on North Korea’s previous ballistic tests on May 25.
“We have called on members of the international community, of course, to be its members” United Nations Security CouncilTo be a responsible stakeholder in the UN Security Council as a leading forum for addressing threats to international peace and security,” Price said.
“Unilateral action will never be the most attractive or most effective response, and this is especially the case because we are satisfied that we have close allies in the form of Japan and the Republic of Korea,” he said. Formal name, Republic of Korea.
North Korean state media have yet to comment on Sunday’s launch. They came after the US aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan concluded a three-day naval exercise with South Korea in the Philippine Sea on Saturday, apparently their first joint exercise involving a carrier since November 2017, as the country continues its defense. Let’s move on to upgrade the exercises. About North Korean threats.
North Korea has long condemned the allies’ joint military exercises as attack rehearsals and often countered with missile exercises of its own, including short-range launches in 2016 and 2017, which were carried out by South Korea in Japan. Simulate nuclear attacks on ports and US military facilities.
Following the latest North Korean launches, the United States conducted joint missile exercises with Japan and South Korea, which they said were aimed at demonstrating their response capability.
Nuclear talks between Washington and Pyongyang have stalled since 2019 over disagreements in exchange for the release of US-led sanctions for the North’s disarmament steps.
Despite facing tough challenges at home, including a crumbling economy and the COVID-19 outbreak, Kim has shown no desire to completely surrender what Arsenal sees as the strongest guarantee of his survival.
Experts say his government has so far rejected the Biden administration’s proposals for open-ended talks and clearly intends to turn passive denuclearization talks into a process of mutual arms reduction.