US President Biden will face pressure from other G7 leaders to extend Kabul evacuation deadline

US President Joe Biden will be under pressure to expand August 31 deadline He met Group of Seven (G7) leaders in a virtual meeting on Tuesday to evacuate thousands trying to flee the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Western countries are struggling to bring home their own citizens and desperate Afghans at Kabul airport, who are trying to flee the country fearing retaliation after Taliban militants seized control a week ago.

This has led to chaotic scenes at the airport, with nearly 20 people killed in stampedes and gunfire, amid panic by the United States and its allies trying to hold flights out of the country before pulling out their troops.

The withdrawal method, 20 years after the US-led offensive to oust the Taliban after the September 11, 2001 attacks, has fueled tensions between Washington and other western capitals, where there has been frustration over its timing and how it happened. has been done.

In their meeting, leaders of the G7 grouping of the richest countries, including the United States, Italy, France, Germany, Japan and Canada, will focus on the evacuation effort as well as Afghanistan’s long-term future, said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. , who will preside over the conference.

Reading: UK urges US to extend Kabul evacuation

“Our first priority is to complete the evacuation process of our citizens and those Afghans who have assisted in our efforts over the past 20 years, but as we look to the next step, it is important that we work as an international community.” Come together as one and agree on a joint approach. Long term,” he said in a statement.

“That is why I have called an emergency meeting of the G7 – to coordinate our response to the immediate crisis, to reaffirm our commitment to the Afghan people, and the UK’s commitments from our international partners to support those in need. To ask to complete.”

Johnson’s office said leaders are expected to reaffirm a pledge to protect girls’ education and women’s rights in Afghanistan in particular over the past 20 years.

British sources said on Sunday that the meeting would also discuss possible economic sanctions and whether the Taliban had committed human rights abuses or allowed their territory to be used as a haven for terrorists.

There will also be a call for unity on when and whether to officially recognize the Taliban as the country’s leaders, diplomatic sources said.

Red line

But it is the evacuation effort that is likely to dominate the discussions. NS The Taliban have said that the August 31 deadline is a red line, but Biden has said troops could stay beyond that date.

Johnson spoke to Biden ahead of the G7 meeting, when he agreed to ensure that everyone eligible to leave Kabul was able to do so “after the initial phase of evacuation is over”.

Some close allies of the United States are angered by the president’s handling of the crisis so far.

During an emergency session in parliament last week, British lawmakers, including several senior figures from Johnson’s own Conservative Party, lined up to condemn Biden’s actions, while former Prime Minister Tony Blair called the politics behind the return ” Stupid”.

France has said more time is needed for the evacuation and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Monday that the G7 needs to consider whether it should stay beyond the deadline set by the United States.

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that once the American forces left, there was little chance of British forces continuing the evacuation.

“The prime minister is clearly in the G7 and is trying to increase the chances of seeing if the United States will expand,” he said. “It’s really important for people to understand, there are more than 6,000 people from the United States at Kabul airport and when they go back, it will take away the structure that allowed us to get back, and also us. have to go.”

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