US restaurant bans children under 10 – Internet Reactions

Eating at a restaurant with your family is something we all look forward to. The sheer excitement of trying new food items or cuisines makes the whole experience really fun and memorable. Not only this, but eating out at a restaurant with your loved ones also provides an opportunity for bonding and quality time, as well as a much-needed break from the routine of cooking at home. But how would you react if your kids are not allowed to enter a particular restaurant? Recently, an Italian restaurant in New Jersey, United States, banned children under the age of 10 from eating at the establishment. Internet users have expressed different opinions regarding this decision.

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Netty’s House of Spaghetti, a popular Italian restaurant in the US’ New Jersey, took to Facebook to announce its decision. Trying to explain the reason behind this decision, the restaurant said, “We love kids. We really, really do. But lately, it’s been extremely challenging to accommodate children at Netty’s. Between the noise levels, the lack of space for high chairs, the cleaning mess messes, and the responsibility of children running around the restaurant, we decided it was time to take control of the situation. This was not a decision that was was taken lightly, but some recent incidents have prompted us to implement this new policy. From March 8, the day we return from our winter break, we will allow children under the age of 10 to eat in restaurants. will not allow.”

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The restaurant continued, “We know this is going to be very upsetting to some of you, especially those of you with very well-behaved children, but we believe this will help our business move forward.” Right decision to raise. Thanks for your understanding.” As soon as the announcement was made public, the post went viral with over 32,000 reactions and thousands of comments. While many people supported the restaurant for its decision, others slammed the Italian eatery for not being welcoming enough. One person wrote, “Really sad to hear this. I was looking forward to replacing you but with a well behaved 9 year old. I am not welcome, sad.”

Another person wrote, “I think this is a good policy. And for the record, I have kids, now grown, and still agree with it.”

Another wrote, “Brilliant idea. Having worked in the industry since the age of 14, I have never seen anything like what I have seen in recent times. Kids are out of control and most parents are oblivious.” ” Another person expressed a different view, writing, “Go and eat at a bar if you want to enjoy a kid-free environment. An adult atmosphere. Not a restaurant where families should be able to eat together.” “

What do you think of the restaurant’s decision? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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