US teacher faces battery charge after allegedly biting two students into pickle jar

It is quite common to hear incidents of misbehavior and nuisance in the classroom by young children. However, what is not common is when children are on the receiving end of a teacher’s ridiculous behavior. For example, a teacher in Florida, United States, has been accused of biting two students over a jar of pickles. According to a report in the Western Journal, in October 2021, a teacher contacted two students working in the school’s store. She grabbed a jar of pickles from the shelf and the students thought she was taking them for herself. This happened when one of the students grabbed the jar to put it back on the shelf. But he reportedly bit her, and when the other student tried to take the jar, the teacher allegedly bit her as well. Fox 13 News reports that last November, according to the school district, two students reported to him.

Following the incident, the teacher was suspended and remanded to a different school, the Western Journal reports. According to Fox 13 News, a complaint affidavit of two counts of battery was filed against a spokeswoman for Polk County Public Schools in Barto, Florida, where the incident occurred. In her defense, she told the school district that she was just “playing over a jar of pickles with both students” and that when they grabbed it, she “licked her arms to get them out.”

The aunt of one of the two 15-year-old students, who were the victims of her alleged bite spree, told Fox 13 News, that her nephew and another student were pouring a jar of pickles, and she put them both on her forearm. Allowed to cut Go to Jar. She told US cable news, “My thoughts on the situation were, ‘What was she thinking! When the school informed us about the incident, we took immediate action and I wanted charges to be brought against her. Toro also said, “She needs to be jailed and learn from her mistake. She can’t put any part of herself. On any child.”

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