US-trained Afghanistan soldiers want to fight for Ukraine. How did Kiev react?

Even though Russia is relying on irregular foreign troops in its military effort against Ukraine, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry does not yet appear ready to consider such a proposal. The Ukrainian government led by Volodymyr Zelensky has turned down hundreds of US-trained Afghan soldiers who wanted to join the war effort against Russia.

According to reports published on the news forum SEMAFOR, the involvement of Afghan troops does not yet appear to be part of Ukraine’s military strategy. The news platform also quoted an Afghanistan soldier, Sgt. Major Kadym who called the invasion of Russia “a war against democracy and humanity and a full-scale genocide”. He said that hundreds of Afghan soldiers want to fight for Ukraine.

After Russia invaded the country in 2022, Zelensky created the International Army of Ukraine, and during the first month of the war some 20,000 people from 50 countries volunteered to fight for Ukraine. The applicants include 300 Afghan civilians, including 150 members of the Katah Khas, an anti-terrorist unit of the Afghanistan military trained by the United States.

Sources close to the Ukrainian government told SEMAFOR that people in the government have concerns about infiltration by spies. Russia There is a sizeable presence in Afghanistan.

The development comes at a time when both Russian and Ukrainian defense forces are suffering heavy losses in the battle for Bakhmut.

Serhiy Cherevaty, a representative of the Ukrainian military, said 221 soldiers supporting Moscow were killed and more than 300 wounded in the Bakhmut region. The Russian Defense Ministry said 210 Ukrainian soldiers had died in the wider Donetsk sector of the front line.

Although Moscow did not give its exact figures BakhmutThe city in eastern Donetsk has been the site of one of the most violent and protracted fighting of the year-long conflict, leaving the city almost completely deserted.

The Ukrainian government stated that it was maintaining its position in Bakhmut and was effectively resisting Russian military forces. The commander responsible for the defense of Bakhmut insisted that the defense of the town was vital to launch a Ukrainian counter-offensive.

(with inputs from agencies)

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