‘Use and throw’ culture affecting weddings: Kerala High Court Kochi News – Times of India

Kochi: Young generation thinks marriage is an evil which should be avoided to enjoy life without any obligation Kerala The High Court said in a judgment. The court also said that ‘consumer culture’use and throw‘Marital relations have been affected.
Justice A. The division bench of Mohammad Mustaqui and justice Sophie Thomas After considering an appeal (Mat A No. 456/20) filed by a 34-year-old husband, he sought divorce from his 38-year-old wife, whom he had married after falling in love almost a decade earlier. The couple has three daughters and the husband now reportedly wants to pursue his relationship with another woman. Claiming cruel treatment by his wife, the husband sought divorce, but the court refused.

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A live-in relationship is between two consenting adults of any generation. Many people in the society cannot accept it. But there is nothing illegal about it in Indian law. All this should be seen by a court.

In the judgment penned by Justice Sophie, the Court observed, “Nowadays, the younger generation feels that marriage is such an evil that can be avoided to enjoy a free life without any obligations or obligations. They use the word ‘wife’. Will expand. Replacing the old concept of ‘Wise Investment for Ever’ as ‘invite worry forever’. The consumer culture of ‘use and throw’ has affected our marital relationships as well. Live-in relationships Growing up, just to say goodbye when they parted.”
Through the August 24 judgment, the court also observed that Kerala was once known for its good families, but the current tendency is to break the marriage bond for weak or selfish reasons or for extramarital affairs, even That regardless of your children. The court said that when warring couples, abandoned children and desperate divorcees occupy the majority of the population, it will adversely affect the peace of social life and the development of society will stop.
The court said that law and religion treat marriage as an institution in itself and the parties to the marriage cannot walk away from the one-sided relationship and the marriage has to be dissolved either through court or personal law. Observing that mere quarrel or accidental outburst of emotion cannot be treated as cruelty, the court observed that the husband’s relationship with another woman created disturbance in their family life in this case.