Use these 5 leaves for healthy and glowing skin

Fenugreek leaves make the face glowing and remove blemishes from the skin.

These can prove to be very beneficial, especially if you are suffering from problems like acne, scars, pigmentation and uneven skin tone.

While we are all aware of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, did you know that leaves are also packed with nutrients, especially for your skin? Skincare has become one of the most important parts of daily routine, natural and herbal ingredients can not only give you the best results but are pocket friendly too. These can prove to be very beneficial, especially if you are suffering from problems like acne, scars, pigmentation and uneven skin tone. These are the leaves that can give you healthy and glowing skin

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek leaves make the face glowing and remove blemishes from the skin. To use it on the face, prepare a paste and mix two spoons of honey in it. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off with clean water.


Mint is not only used in food but you can also use it as a face pack. Make a paste of mint leaves and add cucumber juice and honey to it. Apply this paste on the face for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water.


There are many benefits of basil leaves and one of them is that it can be used to enhance the beauty of the face. Make a paste by grinding basil leaves and mix a few drops of lemon juice in it and apply it on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes before washing it.

curry leaves

A known ingredient for enhancing the taste of food, however, can you use it as a skin care product as well. Make a paste of curry leaves and mix a little multani mitti and a spoonful of honey in it. Apply this mixture on the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with water.


Coriander helps in brightening the complexion of the skin. Make a paste out of it and add a spoonful of lemon juice to it. Then apply this paste on your face and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.

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