Uttar Pradesh: Ayodhya cattle market to supply cows to Telangana | Lucknow News – Times of India

Ayodhya: Soon from the famous cow-buffaloes of Ayodhya zubair ganjo The market will be supplied in large numbers Telangana The government for its welfare schemes under which milch animals are given free of cost to the rural population and farmers to make them self-reliant.
In this regard, Telangana Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali Visited Zubair Ganj Animal Market located at Lucknow-Faizabad-Gorakhpur Highway in Ayodhya’s Sohawal on Sunday.
The market is considered to be one of the largest markets in the country which drives a powerful rural economy. This market generates hundreds of crores of rupees as income from lakhs of farmers and dairy owners, especially from North India.
Speaking to TOI, Director of Markets, Haji Firoz Khan GabbarSaid: “Supplying milch animals to the Government of Telangana will boost the rural economy and will directly benefit the marginal farmers and village people who keep and sell the cattle.”
We are hopeful that this time thousands of cows and buffaloes will be supplied to Telangana. We also supplied cattle to Telangana three years ago,” Gabbar said. “We run and manage this market as a cooperative hub for farmers without government intervention,” Gabbar said.

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