Uttarakhand Election 2022: Uttarakhand’s rain starts at 70; Look at Pushkar Dhami and Harish Rawat

UK Assembly Elections: Pushkar Dhami and Harish Rawat will be eyeing in Uttarakhand. (photo photo)

Uttarakhand Election 2022 Updates: The assembly elections for the assembly seats in the assembly elections will fail in 2022 with the assembly elections in the state assembly elections in the assembly elections after the assembly elections in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections phase and assembly elections in the state. Today in the state is at 70. The commission has prepared the children for planning.

things of uttarakhand

  1. The situation will be the same after batting as well, with Uttar Pradesh sitting in the bottom half of the state in the results phase. Today in the state is at 70. Start eating from 8 in the morning till evening and start feeding from morning till evening. There are 11,697 for the season to sustain the environment.

  2. These missiles include observers Pradushk Singh Dhami, Suprabhat Asatyatlkar, Awwal, Dhan Singh Rawat, and Parakti’s class aircraft class chairman Madan Kaushik, to weather the future of Daitya in these missiles. ,

  3. Congress

  4. Voters who voted in the election won 57, the one who voted 11 won.

  5. It is said that there is not even 1 year in the Chief Minister’s office as CM Pushkar Dhami. After the resource turmoil, in 2021 belonged to Uttarakhand. In this case there is a special defect of vision.

  6. They are equal in Dhami. They will be dedicated to the ‘Surya Narik campaign’ on Saturday after the BJP government is formed again. Be equal in all respects, they may be reliable in any way.’
