Valentine’s Day 2023: Unique Valentine’s Week Gift Ideas

Last Update: February 06, 2023, 10:33 IST

Happy Valentine’s Day 2023: Based on the theme set for each day of Valentine’s week, one can choose amazing gifts for their lover to show their love and appreciation. (Image: shutterstock)

Happy Valentine’s Day 2023: Based on the theme set for each day of Valentine’s week, one can choose amazing gifts for their lover to show their love and appreciation.

Happy Valentine’s Day 2023: Come February, and love is in the air. Throughout Valentine’s Week and especially on Valentine’s Day, people are eager to spend time with their loved ones. It’s the season to muster up the courage to confess a crush, go on romantic dates, and pick up thoughtful gifts. Depending on the theme set for each day of Valentine’s week, one can choose wonderful gifts for their lover to show their love and appreciation.

Read also: Happy Valentine’s Week 2023: When is Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Promise Day, Teddy Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and Valentine’s Day?

Here are some ideas to help you decide what to get your special someone.

rose day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Rose Day will be on 7th February. A rose picked from your garden or a bouquet specially made of these love-symbolic flowers is the easiest way. Remember to pay attention to what different colored roses mean in the language of flowers. If you want something more long-lasting, consider presenting you with a rose-themed showpiece, a rose plant, or even some perfume that captures the scent of the flower.

Read also: Valentine’s Week 2023: When is Rose Day? Know everything about the first day of Love Week

propose day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Propose Day, which falls on February 8, is the ideal time to ask out to your crush or pop the big question to your partner. You can’t go wrong with jewelery (read: rings or bracelets) on it. Choose the most subtle or extravagant pieces depending on the circumstances and avoid going overboard.

chocolate day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

The next day is the sweetest, literally, it’s Chocolate Day. Chocolates are obviously essential. But have you thought about customized chocolates? There are shops that can help you with this. Alternatively, you can make some on your own.

teddy day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

On Teddy Day, February 10, head to some soft toy stores and get your partner a teddy. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bear. You can choose a soft toy made of any character your partner likes. For example, if they are fond of cats or pandas.

promise day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

The three days before Valentine’s Day are more emotional. This can help you build some emotional stability with your partner. On Promise Day, February 11, take a pledge to support them and be with them through thick and thin. You can think of writing your promises and gifting them.

hug Day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

On Hug Day, February 12, give them a tight hug to let them know you’re right there. You can also gift them a customized pillow that they can hug wherever they seek comfort or miss you.

kissing day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

On Kiss Day, February 13, give them lots of love and lots of love!

Valentine’s Day

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Finally, the most anticipated day is here. It’s Valentine’s Day. Take your partner out for a great date. You can recreate your first date, or one from their favorite movie or book.

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