Valentines Day Revenge: Get Roaches in the Name of Exes, or Litter Trays with Their Names

Valentine’s Day isn’t everyone’s flowers and chocolates, especially after a break-up. To help process those difficult feelings, some of the center’s animal care centers are coming up with fun projects. In one of them, you can name a cockroach after your ex! In another, put your ex-boyfriend’s name on the litter tray. The first is being offered by the Hemsley Conservation Center who will name a roach after a former for £1.50.

“The cockroaches are back for 2022! Name a cockroach and be part of our famous ‘roach board’ this Valentines Day for only £1.50!”

“We’re highlighting these creatures through our ‘Name a Cockroach Program’ (we think adoption is a little too strong, after all – you probably don’t want to adopt your friend’s ex) as part of our projects at the zoo.” After your donation you’ll receive a downloadable certificate and we’ll include your ex’s name on our roach board that will appear on Valentine’s Day!” says their website.

Bristol Animal Rescue Center has the following offers:

“#ItsNotMeItsPoo Turn poo into pounds this Valentine’s Day! Donate £5 and send us a name and we’ll throw them in the trash! If you haven’t donated, please do – proceeds go to care for animals in need.”

“Here at Bristol Animal Rescue Center, we know that Valentine’s Day isn’t all hearts and roses — for some of us, frankly, it’s poo. So this year, we’re asking you to use your heart and give it a try.” Asking for vulnerable animals to convert that poo into pounds.

“Fill out the form below and then click to donate £5. You must write in the name of the person who has wronged you (first name, initials or surname only). Then we do our business for our cats to put their name on the litter tray,” says their website.

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