Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflower’ survives soup attack – Times of India

London: , Environmental protesters threw two cans of Heinz Tomato Soup on Friday Vincent van GoghPainting on “Sunflowers” National Gallery of LondonAmong the latest “direct-action” stunt targeting works of art.
The gallery said the protesters “caused minor damage to the frame but no damage to the painting”. just stop the oil aim to finish UK government Participation in oil and gas. London’s Metropolitan Police said its officers arrested two protesters.
The attack comes a week after Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman Threatened those who took direct action.
“We will keep putting you behind bars,” she said. Just Stop Oil has targeted many famous paintings before glue attacks, In June, two activists stick their hands in the frame of van Gogh’s “Peach Trees in Blossom” at the Courtauld Gallery in London. In July, supporters glued themselves to a full-scale copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” at the Royal Academy in London.
In May, Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa A custard pie was thrown at her face at the Louvre Museum by a climate activist. The bulletproof case of the artwork made sure it was not damaged.