Varun Gandhi recorded Shreeja’s story, left after mother’s death

Shreeja got 99.4% marks in the board exam

New Delhi:

CBSE Board Result 2022: Patan’s Shreeja had no one before today. Social network advertisements like Sreeja Sreeja has recently secured 99.4 percent in the board’s class 10th exam. Later Shreeja leaves with his maternal grandparents. In the re-examination exam, I got the exam E and today in the class 10th exam of the Central Board of Secondary Education, 99.4% marks were obtained. Varun Gandhi has chosen this success.

this also further

Varun Gandhi in this video Sreeja’s maternal grandmother said that she is happy with the board exam result. When they were, he died after his death. This is for sure that it will remain stable.

Going viral on social media, these people are on social site. One wrote, ‘Very rich and to the girl. You make the name of the channel and your maternal grandparents bright.

Another tweeted, “Congratulations to the daughter.

The Times of India reports, Sreeja Aravee Public School-BSEB Call Information. Electrician is electricity. Sreeja had reported about her exam preparation. For balance and better balance. Before the exam, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII

Shreeja likes it well. Get two marks in the 10th examination of the examination board – 100 in Sanskrit and Science and 99 in English, Maths and Social test. Sreeja is in position with 99.4%. Shreeja has entered the class in the class.