VHP seeks ban on Tablighi Jamaat after Saudi Arabia’s move

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) affiliated to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has demanded that Tablighi Jamaat bannedFollowing Saudi Arabia’s move, VHP working president Alok Kumar called the organization “a manufacturing hub of radical Islamic terrorism” and “a host and custodian of global terrorism”.

In a statement, Mr Kumar said his organization welcomed Saudi Arabia’s decision to ban the Jamaat. He also linked the Jamaat to several terror attacks around the world and in India, including the Godhra incident in Gujarat and the assassination of Swami Shraddhanand.

“This radical Islamic fundamentalist organization is already banned in many countries of the world including Russia. Despite this, instead of welcoming the Saudi government’s decision, some Indian Muslim organizations have exposed themselves with their protests against the move and made their role in terror-hunting and promoting. In fact, Darul Uloom Deoband is its originator and designer,” said Mr. Kumar.

Tablighi Jamaat was in the eye of a storm in April last year with respect to the COVID-19 protocol but no criminal act has been proved against the organization in this context.

The VHP submitted a four-part demand to the Center regarding Tablighi Jamaat: Complete ban on “Tablighi, Tablighi Jamaat and Ijtima” in the country; The Nizamuddin Markaz building and its associated bank accounts should be sealed; their economic resources must be “plugged”; And another crackdown by the authorities on Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband and Popular Front of India.

Saudi Arabia banned the Tablighi Jamaat nearly a week ago and issued an advisory to imams in various mosques in the kingdom to dedicate the Friday prayers sermons for that week to warn against the group’s actions , which said that it is following new texts which is not allowed. Wahhabi way of Islam.

Jamaat-ul-Ulema-e-Hind has opposed the ban.
