Video: Schoolgirls thrash Karnataka headmaster for harassing minor

It is seen in the video that the girls are beating a man with sticks.

Srirangapatna/New Delhi:

The headmaster of a government school in Karnataka was brutally thrashed by hundreds of girl students for allegedly harassing one of them.

The headmaster of Kateri Government High School in Karnataka’s Srirangapatna allegedly misbehaved with a minor girl student in the school’s hostel.

The student told this to other students in the hostel who then decided to confront her.

In a video viral on social media, it is seen that girls are beating a man with sticks.

In another video, the girls are seen confronting their roommate for harassing him as school staff and teachers try to pacify them, assuring strict action against the man.

The headmaster then tries to lock himself inside a classroom, but the girls, armed with sticks, barge into the room and thrash him, another video shows.

Officials say the headmaster is a habitual offender and has been accused of harassing several girl students in the past.

After the uproar, the police reached the school hostel and arrested him.

An official said a case has been registered against him under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act for harassing minor girls and investigation is on.