Vinay Kumar Saksana, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi

Sisodia worsened the situation.

New Delhi:

Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) Vinay Saxena has revised the update. manish ya ne as t as tamamak in b b b r b b rasthauraurauradaurauradauraunahauradauraur in 22 22 june 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 in system quality status in quality status status in quality status improvement occurs. ,

this also further

To this Vinay Kumar replied. The sub-journal has amended that it is justified and that the insured has done what is genuinely and legally wrong to the insured. In the case of PWD officers, the status of being investigated is like a test. It is similar to the Prevention of Corruption. Sub-referred sodiya’s this would suffice in the latter case after the latter was included. It is stated that it is ascertained from the notings that it was never enforced. That’s why it has been said that it is completely completely wrong.

Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena has written that this is an attempt to sub-use the life of the general public. Reports have been reported.

But the current Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena allowed the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) to investigate the matter within a few days of assuming office. The arrangement was made in the event of a check of the status of the arrangement. Saisodia had recorded his divine height and he would be fit in this situation as well.