Viral Now: Vegetarian family asks neighbors to close windows while cooking meat

The tastes and food preferences of people all over the world are rapidly evolving. Traditional meats are now out of date as imitation meat and vegetarian alternatives are coming into the market. The benefits of plant-based and vegan diets are increasingly being recognized by consumers, not only for their health but also for the environment at large. Recently, an online controversy broke out in Australia over a family following a vegetarian diet. The family wrote a letter complaining about their meat-cooking neighbors, and the letter has drawn strong reactions online.
the family was located in the northern suburbs Burns Beach in Perth, Australia. The letter was shared online on Facebook in the public group ‘Hey Perth’. It soon went viral, gaining thousands of views, and was later removed from the page.
Read also: World Vegan Day: Experts bust 6 common myths about veganism

Vegetarian diets are becoming more and more popular. photo credit: iStock

The handwritten letter was delivered by the vegetarian family in an envelope that read “Important Message” and “Please Take Seriously” on the cover. “Hello, neighbor. Can you please close the window next to you while you cook? I have a family Vegetarian (We only eat plant-based food), and the smell of the meat you cooked makes us feel sick and upset,” he wrote. “We would appreciate your understanding. Sarah, Wayne and ‘the kids’,” concluded the note.
Several users responded to the vegetarian family’s letter. Internet users were divided about the family and their request to close the window while the meat was cooking. According to the Mirror, one user said: “If they don’t like the smell of meat, they should move out.” Some others felt that the request was reasonable and was not difficult to comply with. “Why all the nasty comments? I’m a meat eater, but she was polite and respectful in her request and it’s not hard to brush it off.” window,” wrote another user.
What did you think of the vegetarian family request? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded foodies (especially those who love vegetarian momos). Plus points if you get his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.