Viral photo: Doctor wrote prescription in Hindi, Rx . used Shri Hari instead of

Dr Sarvesh Singh was inspired by Home Minister Amit Shah’s speech.

A day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched medical education books in Hindi, a prescription from a doctor in Madhya Pradesh is going viral on the internet. In Satna, Dr. Sarvesh Singh wrote the recipe in Hindi using ‘Shri Hari’ instead of Rx while prescribing the medicine. Mr Shah also released textbooks in Hindi of three subjects for MBBS students as part of an ambitious project of the Madhya Pradesh government to provide medical education in that language.

Till date Sarvesh Singh was quoted as saying that he got the inspiration to write the pamphlets in Hindi after watching the program of the Union Home Minister on Sunday, where he urged the doctors of government hospitals to write the prescriptions in Hindi. He said, ‘I thought why not start implementing it from today itself.

According to the picture of the prescription being circulated online, the patient has been diagnosed with lower abdominal pain. The doctor also wrote the entire case history in Hindi.

Then he prescribed medicines (also in Hindi), starting the section with ‘Shri Hari’ instead of Rx. He wrote five different types of medicines, whose names are mentioned in Hindi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had lauded the Madhya Pradesh government’s initiative to provide medical education in Hindi, saying it would bring a huge positive change in the country.

“While this will enable lakhs of students to study in their own language, it will also open many doors of opportunities for them,” PM Modi said on Twitter. and Biochemistry in Hindi.

Ahead of the launch, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, “This will change the perception that medical and engineering courses cannot be learned and taught in Hindi. This is a step to put into practice the idea that any Can move ahead. Through education in life in Hindi medium also. It is the resolve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the medium of education should be in mother tongue.”

He also remarked that doctors can prescribe ‘Shri Hari’. on top of prescription slips And then write the list of medicines etc. in Hindi.

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