Viral: The Kartarpur Sahib corridor, which separated 74 years ago, reunites the brothers. News – Times of India Videos

Jan 13, 2022, 03:54 PM ISTSource:

Meet Muhammad Habib and Muhammad Siddiq, who were torn apart 74 years ago by the bloody partition of India and Pakistan. Until the invention of the Internet, no reunion between two siblings could be imagined. But on January 12, octogenarians were able to hug each other for the first time since 1947, all thanks to the power of both the Internet and social media. Mohammad Habib lives in India, while Siddiq lives in Pakistan. But Habib’s family used the immense reach of social media to track down Siddiq at Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in the Kartarpur Corridor and bring the two together.
