Viral Video: Anaconda jumped out of water and bites Brazilian man

Brazilian fisherman sees coiled anaconda under water.

A Brazilian fishing guide narrowly avoided losing his life when attacked by an anaconda snake. The footage, captured by 38-year-old Joao Severino, is becoming increasingly viral on social media. It depicts an anaconda jumping out of the water and biting it.

Mr Severino was leading a group of tourists on a boat along the Araguaia River in the central Brazilian state of Goiás on June 30 when the incident occurred.

The 20-second video shows an anaconda coiled under water between two logs of wood. As Mr. Severino (not seen in the clip) focuses the camera on the anaconda, it suddenly creates a lunge, scaring everyone on the boat.

In the video, Mr Severino is seen laughing nervously after the attack.

“I saw a snake on a stump and I said, ‘Look, guys, an anaconda’s over there, I’m going to film it for you to see,'” Severino is quoted as saying New York Post,

The snake quickly disappeared, leaving the people on the boat in shock.

Post said in its report that the snake’s stick did not penetrate Mr. Severino’s skin. It identified the snake as the green anaconda, which is capable of growing up to 30 feet long and 550 pounds. A member of the boa family, the green anaconda of South America is the largest snake in the world.

According to National GeographicFemales are much larger than males.

Anacondas typically live in swamps, marshes and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon Basin. They are cumbersome on land, but are stealthy and smooth in water.

Anacondas prey on wild boar, deer, birds, turtles and even jaguars. Non-venomous constrictors move their muscular bodies around the prey and squeeze their bodies until the animal dies.

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