Viral Video: Baby Gorilla Takes a Tumble After First Chest Pounds

The video of its first chest pound has split the internet

Do you know, gorillas beat their chests to show how big their bodies are, and to show off their fighting ability and to attract mates? Now, a video of a baby gorilla trying to thrash his chest for the first time is going viral on the internet.

In the video, the baby gorilla is seen sitting in the middle of a dense forest and trying to beat its chest like a big gorilla. The baby gorilla had not yet learned to bang its chest. So, when no one was watching the little gorilla decided to give it a try. The adorable gorilla attempted to pat his chest in the most dignified way, but kept falling down.

The video, posted by Twitter user buitengebiden, has garnered 2.6 million views and many likes and comments on Twitter. The caption accompanying the short clip read, “A baby gorilla’s first chest pound.”

Watch the video here:

Before this, the video of Chest Pound has created panic on the Internet. One user wrote, “This is a new style of chest banging that I am working on.” The third user wrote, ‘Sometimes about cuteness. But I can’t stop laughing.’

“Baby Gorillas are awesome! Lol,” read the fourth comment.

Meanwhile, another video of a baby gorilla jumping around in the field until its mother spoils the fun. It shows the gorilla’s baby falling on the head first into a haystack, getting up, jumping out and jumping over and over again with joy. The little ape continues to do this until a larger gorilla – probably his mother – comes and picks him up.

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