Viral video: Did Joe Biden fall asleep while listening to COP26 speech?

Joe Biden attending the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow

A video in which US President Joe Biden sits with his eyes closed during the COP26 climate change summit on Monday is doing the rounds of the internet. Mr Biden is among world leaders who have traveled to Glasgow for the climate summit. In the clip first shared on Twitter by a reporter for The Washington Post, he is initially seen listening to a speaker. However, seconds later, the US President closes his eyes – and closes them as he continues the speech.

The video shows an aide walking up to Mr Biden after a few seconds. Then he opens his eyes and continues to listen to the speech, applauding after it is over.

According to several media reports, the incident happened an hour after he started the speech. Mr Biden, 78, was listening to a pre-recorded message from South African disability rights activist Eddie Ndopu when he closed his eyes for about 20 seconds, sparking outrage in a section of the internet.

The Washington Post reporter Zach Purser Brown shared the video on Twitter, writing, “Biden falls asleep during COP26 inauguration speeches.”

The footage has garnered over 4.5 million views within a day of being shared online.

Joe Biden is the oldest person to serve as the President of the United States. He will turn 79 this month. Critics have often used his age to blame the US President for being mentally and physically unfit for the role. The most vocal of these critics is former US President Donald Trump, who nicknamed Mr Biden “Sleepy Joe” during the 2020 presidential campaign.

According to New York PostDonald Trump slams Joe Biden after the footage went viral. “Biden went to Europe saying that global warming was his top priority, and then immediately fell asleep so the whole world could see, at the conference itself. Anyone who has true enthusiasm and belief in a topic will never fall asleep !” Mr Trump said in an email blast.

However, not everyone who watched the video bought into the “sleep” explanation – many said Mr Biden was simply resting his eyes for a few seconds.

COP26, which is taking place in Glasgow, is the latest in a series of meetings through which the world’s governments attempt to tackle climate change. US President Joe Biden said at the COP26 climate summit on Monday that the comprehensive response needed to contain the climate crisis should be seen as an opportunity for the world’s economies.

“Within the growing devastation I believe lies an incredible opportunity – not just for the United States, but for all of us,” he said in his speech at the summit.

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