Viral Video: What a rainbow looks like from the air, the internet stunned

This video shows what a rainbow looks like from the sky

Don’t we all love to catch a glimpse of the stunning rainbow covering the sky? A video has surfaced on the internet showing what a rainbow looks like from the sky. Shared by a Reddit user named u/david-braintree, the 10-second video shows a spectacular view of the rainbow from the air.

Undoubtedly, rainbows are the most amazing exhibits. The video shows a woman skydiving while she perfectly captures the rainbow with her camera. The video was posted 12 hours ago and has garnered 99,000 upvotes with 114 comments so far.

Watch the video here:

The internet was amazed at the beauty of a full rainbow. One user wrote, “Hey, that’s interesting,” another user wrote, “Are rainbows just giant lens flares?”

Another video of a rare rainbow pilus (or ‘scarf’) cloud in Haikou city of China also went viral on social media. The video shows a mesmerizing view of a rainbow colored scarf cloud over the city. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a pilus cloud is a subsidiary cloud of small horizontal extension, which forms a cap or hood above the top or is attached to the upper part of a cumuliform cloud that often enters it. Is.

Multiple pileus can often be seen in superposition, it added.

Although mesmerizing, these clouds do not have a very long life, with the main cloud eventually rising through a process of convection to absorb the rainbow cloud above.

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