Vitamin B12 deficiency: warning signs and symptoms that can affect your health

Vitamin B12 is an extremely important nutrient that is responsible for growth, cell reproduction, blood formation and protein and tissue synthesis. It regulates the base-level function of the body and helps treat anemia, fatigue, and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. It is a key nutrient that keeps blood and nerve cells healthy and facilitates the production of DNA. However, it leads to one of the most common forms of deficiency worldwide. Statistics show that more than 15% of people suffer deficient levels of vitamin B12, and 40%+ are borderline. It is not produced naturally and can therefore be easily excreted in the diet, making it easier to correct the deficiency. The benefits of these essential nutrients can easily be overlooked until levels drop too low and vital body functions are up for a toss.

Since our bodies do not produce vitamin B12 naturally, it is possible to obtain it through certain foods such as seafood, eggs and poultry. However, there are only a few plant-based sources, vegetables, fruits and legumes that are rich in the vitamin B12 nutrient, so vegetarians are at higher risk than non-vegetarians.

Here are the early signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency that can have much in common with regular signs of stress, or low energy.

change in tongue texture

One of the most obvious signs of vitamin B12 deficiency is a change in the appearance of the tongue. If your vitamin B12 levels are low, you may lose the papillae, the tiny taste buds on the surface of the tongue. You will also experience pain in the tongue or a change in your sense of taste. Also, swelling and swelling can be felt in the tongue. Other oral symptoms such as mouth sores, prickling or burning in the mouth can also be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

prickling, prickling, and needle-like sensation

Another important symptom is a pins-and-needles-like painful sensation in the hands, feet, and extremities of the body due to a decline in nerve cells. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in regulating nerve functions and facilitating the production of RBCs. Deficiency of vitamin B12 levels can make you experience more sensations like dizziness, staggering, tiredness because the body’s sense of balance and coordination is in danger.

abnormal memory loss

The third important symptom is weak memory and forgetfulness because vitamin B12 levels regulate nerve function. Vitamin B12 deficiency can directly cause problems with brain health and functioning leading to memory loss, confusion, disorientation or making it difficult for a person to remember things well. Mimic dementia-like symptoms may occur in people with severe deficiency.

anxiety and low mood problems

One of the most common factors of anxiety and low mood can be a vitamin B12 deficiency. Extremely low levels of vitamin B12 levels can disturb mental balance, leading to depression or anxiety because vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of important neurotransmitter chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

high heart rate and difficulty breathing

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause an increased heart rate and difficulty breathing.

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