Vladimir Putin: Russia will attack Ukraine further if the US does

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the United States that Moscow will strike new targets if Washington starts supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles, according to media reports. The Russian leader also addressed US multiple launch rocket system deliveries, responding to a reporter’s remarks that these systems can also launch long-range rockets.

“In my view, all this fuss over additional deliveries of weapons generally pursues the sole purpose of expanding armed conflict As long as possible,” TASS news agency quoted Vladimir Putin as saying in a TV interview.

If Kyiv gets long-range rockets, Russia According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the findings will come and affect facilities that are now unaffected.

Putin warned, “If now it comes to rockets and they are supplied, we will conclude from that and use our weapons that we have enough to attack the facilities we now have.” Not even attacking.”

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the supply of US multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine did not change anything because Kyiv already has an inventory of these weapons, including rockets of this range, and will only be able to replenish its stock. is filling up with.

“There is nothing new in this,” said the Russian president. “These are all multiple launch rocket systems and the Ukrainian military operates similar Soviet and Russian-made Grad, Smerch and Urgan rocket systems.”

The Russian president also addressed Kyiv’s alleged guarantee to the West that these rocket systems would not be used against Russian soil.

“It has nothing to do with trust or distrust for the Ukrainian regime because it depends on the types of rockets that the Americans will supply,” Vladimir Putin said.

According to Putin, at the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine there were about 515 such rocket systems in the fighter list of the Ukrainian army, of which 380 were eliminated.

On June 1, the US government said it would send Ukraine with a new military aid package, including HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) weapons and ammunition. The initial batch will consist of four rocket systems.

According to US officials, the lightweight HIMARS wheeled rocket launcher will have a strike range of no more than 80 kilometers. Kyiv promised that American rocket systems would not be deployed against targets on Russian soil, as demanded by the US administration. On 2 June, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claimed that Kyiv’s pledge not to use American rockets against targets on Russian soil was meaningless and unreliable.

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