Vladimir Putin warns Ukraine of strong response to any attack – Times of India

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on monday Ukraine That if there are more such attacks on the Crimean Bridge there will be a strong reaction.
Following are Putin’s remarks translated by Reuters at the opening of the meeting: Russiaof the Security Council.
“This morning, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Defense and in accordance with the plans of the Russian General Staff, a massive strike with long-range high-precision air, sea and land-based weapons was carried out on Ukraine’s energy, military command, and communications facilities. .
“If attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on our territory continue, Russia’s responses will be harsh and, in terms of their scale, commensurate with the level of threats posed by them. Russian Federation, No one should have any doubt about this.”
“Forensic and other data, as well as operational information, indicate that the October 8 explosion was a terrorist act. A terrorist attack aimed at destroying Russia’s critical civilian infrastructure. It is clear that the Ukrainian secret services ordered Delivered, organized and carried out a terrorist attack aimed at destroying Russia’s critical civilian infrastructure.
“There have been several terrorist attacks and attempts of similar crimes against our country’s electrical power facilities and gas transportation infrastructure, including an attempt to undermine a section of the Turkstream gas transmission system. All this is proved by objective data, including the testimony of criminals detained for these terrorist attacks.
“Representatives of Russia are not allowed to investigate the causes of the explosions and to investigate the destruction of the international gas transmission system passing beneath. Baltic Sea, But we all know very well the ultimate beneficiary of this crime.
thus Kyiv The regime has equated itself with international terrorist groups by its actions. With the most disgusting groups. It is impossible to leave such crimes unanswered.”