Want to make pani puri with a twist? Try This Mouth Watering Guava Pani Poori

Have you ever wondered what makes classic pani puri so adorable? Maybe, the fact that it can be sweet, spicy, tangy and salty—basically, an all-in-one kind of dish. And, we don’t like anyone messing with the key ingredients of a dish. Correct? However, many people taste it differently depending on their region and food preference, varying the ingredients. There are some who go a little further and try to experiment with new variations and combinations. So, if you love fusion cuisine, here is something that will help you enjoy the same pani puri with a makeover. Chef Pankaj Bhadauria shares a recipe for Guava Pani Puri which is extremely tasty and delicious.

Also read: Make Restaurant-Style Garlic Bread With Paneer Dip – Chef Pankaj Bhadauria’s Easy Recipe

To the caption, she said, “Guava Pani Puri – Give your Pani Puri the taste and flavor of Guava and make your gatherings a blockbuster hit!”


1) Semolina – 1 cup

2) Melted Ghee – 1/4 cup

3) Maida – 1 tbsp

4) hot water

5) Guava juice – 400 ml

6) Chaat masala – 1 tbsp

7) Black pepper powder – 1 tbsp

8) Black salt – 1 tbsp

9) Red chili powder – 1 tbsp

10) Green chili – 1 tbsp

How can you make Guava Pani Puri?

Step 1: Make a ball to make poori. For this, take semolina and mix some melted ghee in it with hot water. Knead a dough. Make small balls with the help of dough and roll them into round shape. Fry them in medium hot oil. You will get perfectly crispy puris.

Step 2: Now take guava juice in a bowl and add some spices to it. Also add chaat masala, black pepper powder, black salt, red chili powder and some chopped green chilies. Mix properly.

Step 3: For garnishing, Pankaj pours the flavored pani into the shot glass. He took puris and stuffed some pomegranate seeds and chopped coriander in it. Your Guava Pani Puri is ready to eat!

Like pani puri, here is another dish that promises an explosion of flavour. Pankaj Bhadauria shared the recipe last weekend water dumplings, This hit North Indian recipe basically consists of pakodas, which are dipped in delicious pungent water. To make these special pakodas of water, first you have to take out the gram flour in a bowl. Add salt, hing, baking powder and water as required. Make pakodas and fry them well. Put it in cold water and keep it aside. Make green chutney and add some tamarind paste to it. Also add some guava juice. Add black salt, chaat masala, chili flakes and cumin powder to the preparation. Now squeeze the pakoras and remove the excess water from them. Dip them in the delicious water prepared by you. Serve and enjoy!

Are you going to try these recipes at home?

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