Want to speed up your weight loss journey? Include these 5 foods in daily diet

Many of us have become more health conscious, especially after the pandemic. For a healthy and fit body, one needs to take extra care and include protein, nutrients and fiber in your diet. There is no single food that has the power to melt the pounds, but instead, a proper combination of healthy foods can undoubtedly support your weight loss journey. If you are someone who wants to cut down on carbs and shed those extra kilos then include the given foods in your diet every day. Along with regular movement, these foods will provide vital nutrients while satisfying your craving.


When hunger strikes, a pocket full of nuts comes to your rescue. Instead of feeding your empty stomach prepackaged foods like chips, frozen veggie burgers, and the like, start by consuming a handful of peanuts, almonds, walnuts, or pecans, which are known to have appetite-controlling properties. credit has been given. It’s a great snack to eat, packed with protein and nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium and selenium.

chia seeds

Chia seeds are a great source of minerals, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health and help you shed inches. From helping slow digestion to keeping you full for longer, it has many benefits. Consuming two tablespoons of chia seeds daily can help you lose weight fast. If you’re planning to cut down on carbs and fat, while meeting all your fiber needs, chia seeds are known to be your best friend.

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The famous quote that says “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” truly fits in when it comes to planning your diet. Research has shown that apples are linked to weight loss. Since apples are high in fiber and low in calories, they help you maintain your diet. Eating an apple a day can help you skip fast food and feel full. The fruit contains non-digestible compounds that stimulate the growth of good bacteria and lead to more weight loss.


Eggs are rich in nutrients and are perfect for your morning regimen. If you want to lose weight, then eating eggs in the morning is the best decision. As we know that eggs are a healthy source of protein, so eating them daily in the morning will keep your craving for evening snack at bay. While keeping you full throughout the day, eggs are known to be a great source of many vitamins and minerals that are usually lacking in the diet.

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dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains monounsaturated fatty acids that help improve metabolism and burn calories. Research has shown that eating dark chocolate can improve insulin sensitivity, and decrease your appetite and hunger, keeping you full for longer. If you want to lose weight and satisfy your sweet hunger, do not forget to consume it in limited quantity.

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