Want to take your fitness to the next level? 6 Reasons Why You Should Do Cardio

Exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves blood circulation throughout the body is called cardio. Most people do cardio to burn extra calories. Some types of cardio are much more effective than others for reducing fat. However, that’s not all. Many factors call for aerobic exercise besides reducing fat.

Here are some of the health benefits that cardio can help with your overall physical health:

1. Improve Your Heart Health

Better heart health is the first benefit. For your heart to be more effective, it must work harder during exercise and pump blood more quickly through your body. Cardiovascular activities increase muscle strength and function, which increases the body’s ability to absorb and use oxygen.

Routine daily tasks can be accomplished with less fatigue when the capacity to transport and use oxygen is increased. Additionally, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that the average adult strive for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity five days per week.

2. Improves Sleep

According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, people who exercise regularly are more likely to get a good night’s sleep than those who don’t. According to research, exercise increases both the quantity and quality of sleep. You should consider this before staying up late and watching television.

3. Helps Control Your Weight

By exercising, you can control your weight. It’s nothing new, but it’s true! Regular exercise (such as cardio) can help you maintain a healthy weight. So, just by stepping on the treadmill every day and eating as usual, you can *lose* weight. However, you’ll have more success if you also adopt healthy eating habits.

4. Strengthens Your Immune System

Exercise improves your cytokines, which are a type of protein, and the health of your blood cells. These two elements are essential for controlling the immune system.

5. Boosts Mood and Brain Power

Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits for brain health, including behavioral and biochemical effects on the brain. By encouraging the development of new connections between cells in various important cortical areas of the brain, they increase brain plasticity.

A major psychological benefit of regular exercise is an increase in self-esteem. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. These interact with receptors in the brain to reduce the feeling of pain.

6. Regulates Your Blood Sugar

Doctors usually suggest exercise as one of the initial treatments for patients who have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, along with diet modifications. Exercises such as running, lifting weights, and high-intensity interval training all aid in better glucose management and control of blood sugar levels. Regular exercise can help you avoid problems in the future, even if you don’t have diabetes.

Confident about cardio but don’t know where to start? Take it slow and start with simple, no-equipment attempts.

– Begin with jumping jacks, simply standing with your feet hip-width apart and your hands at your sides. Jump off the floor and spread your legs wider than shoulder width, while raising your arms above your head. Then return to the starting position.

Repeat for 3 sets of 30 seconds each. Rest for 30 seconds in between.

– High knees: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Engage your core and bring your right knee toward your chest, just above the waist, as you bring your left arm up.

Lower and repeat on opposite side. Do 3 sets of 30 seconds. Take 30 seconds rest in between sets.

– Running or Jogging: Simply run or jog for about 20 minutes – longer if you can, or shorter if you need to! Eventually, you’ll find your sweet spot.

If jogging or running isn’t for you, consider alternatives such as bicycling, swimming, using an elliptical, jumping rope, boxing, dancing, and playing sports (such as soccer).

– Walk: Cool it down by walking for about 5 minutes.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)